Friday, January 2, 2009

My 2008 Top 10

Notice the new pic- thanks Angela Weedon (amazing photographer) and Kyle for figuring out how to get it there. I am about as tech savy as the Amish (Missy-that is for you)

I never make resolutions- i think it just sets me up for failure. But when 2008 rolled around 12 months ago, i decided i was going to do everything i could to make this year different "eternally" for my husband and boys. The past several years my husband has been becoming more aware of what God desired for himself and our family but it was my turn for a change.

For those of you who love Letterman like i do, we cannot close the book on 2008 without a top 10 list. I started this blog in August so both of my followers/readers of this blog missed the events of the first few months of 2008 . I discussed my selfishness, the ever so delightful insights from my boys, and my crazy revelations about life so i feel the need to share my favorites... These are not in order of importance (remember i have 4 children who are currently quiet so i need to write fast).

10. We had our final baby boy on February 4, 2008. Wagner John Ellis created the Graham Half Dozen and has been the biggest joy and easiest baby (does he have a choice?) In the delivery room after Wags was born, garrett organized the events and began to become the #1 fan of this new baby. He is his caretaker, mentor, and general gatekeeper if anyone wants to even look at him. He recently asked Cathy Hutton to keep her house cleaner so it would be safer for Wagner to be there. Yeah... We had our first 3 boys in 4 1/2 years and Wagner is 3 1/4 years younger than Reed. so we have been able to "enjoy" watching the boys be his big brother. what a gift!

9. Family Camp at Pine Cove in July

8. Spending time connecting with our community group. These families see the good, the bad, and the UGLY and love us through it all. Thanks for taking the time to hold our hands through tough decisions and encouraging to honor and glorify God (staying at WRE this year, children issues, encouraging us in our marriage...) They have been a rock of encouragement and i truly can't wait to see what God has in store for this group of believers.

5. Reed winking at us all year

6. Our 10 year anniversary on June 6, 2008. I married the most loyal, patient, loving man. Thanks for encouraging me to become what God desires for me, calling me out, laughing with me, laughing at me, and all in just 10 years. i never would of imagined this is where we would be and i still pinch myself- i am the luckiest girl in the world.

6. Baseball season - Coach Kyle coached Mason and Garrett's teams this past year...Mason has a special love/intensity with this sport. i love the way he analyzes his sports.

5. The boys going hunting- Garrett loves this!

4. Going to Roundtop with the girls and Girlfriends. It takes special women to make 20,000 steps in 90 degree weather in one day fun. Also, spending time with the amazing women I am raising kids with in this special place (Lynn, Laura, Tracey, Cathy just to name a few...) They also happen to be the women who shuttle my children all over LH.

3. Hanging with the Huttons - I don't know if Kyle and i love Ames and Cathy more or if our kids love their kids more. It's a win-win. Amazing people, fabulous friends, great family, always a laugh- what more can i say!!!

2. Time with our families. Wes and Kevin and Anna all came for visits and these are such important people to our children. The kids also LOVED spending time with their amazing grandparents.

1. Family Devos and being better off because we had this year together as a family. We had struggles with each kid, laughed at each new stage, slept very little, watched our families hurt, and still I know God designed each event for us for Him.

To our friends and family- God bless and thanks for being a part of making this year a gift for us and we are blessed because we know you. You have forever changed our family and we are grateful for each parent, coach, teacher, and person who has loved our family this year.

1 comment:

olivia and henry said...

such a great top 10 list! ;) happy new year!!!